Your Partner in Dedicated Solutions

10-year anniversary Huub Cox


Congratulations Huub! 🎉

Yesterday we congratulated Huub on his 10-year work anniversary at Manders. Before that, he had visited us several times from his previous employer and he noticed that working with us is really fun. Since 2014 we have welcomed Huub to our own team as chief mechanic. 

Huub is still having a good time in the assembly department. Not only does he work hard and with great focus on projects, but he is also always a delightful colleague to work with. He has worked on many beautiful machines and has always mounted them to our full satisfaction. 

Huub, thank you for your efforts and congratulations on your 10th anniversary! 🍻

John Thijssen houdt een toespraak voor het jubileum van Huub Cox in de kantine van Manders Automation


John Thijssen houdt een toespraak voor het jubileum van Huub Cox in de kantine van Manders Automation


John Thijssen feliciteert Huub Cox met zijn 10-jarig jubileum bij Manders Automation